Leave balances - What is a balance and when do I assign one?


  1. What is a balance and when do I assign one? - fundamental information for HR to understand before assigning and checking balances.  
  2. Assign a balance after reading section 1, how to assign a balance for any new appointment.
  3. Checking assigned balances how to check the balance has been correctly calculated.
  4. Make balance adjustmentwhen and how to override the balance calculation. 




Details of our online training available and booking links can be found on the Workforce Management training webpage.

Note: This feature is currently limited to staff in participating departments which is being rolled out in stages throughout the University.  

For casuals and variable hours staff:  The assignment of a balance is only necessary for those staff submitting timesheets via HR Self-Service. 


A 'Balance' in PeopleXD represents your leave entitlement, including bank holidays and fixed closure days as applicable locally and for your staff category/grade. It must be recorded for all staff types to ensure the personal annual leave entitlement can be correctly calculated. For casual and variable hours staff, the leave calculation will also be based on any accrued leave according to hours approved.

Along with a 'Pay Code Access Group' and 'Work Schedule', a 'Balance' must be assigned for every new appointment, eg new starter, promotion, additional appointment, secondment, regrade, move from fixed-term to permanent contract etc.  

If you have assigned a balance and want to understand the system calculation further, refer to the 'Checking assigned balances' guidance. 


The Assign a balance section will explain how to assign a balance, but this section will provide an overview of which balance to assign.

Warning: When assigning a balance to any new appointment, it is essential that the option selected in the 'Balance' field is correct.

See guidance and descriptions below on the balance field:  


The Balances titles are made up of:

  • the individual’s role/ grade followed by their:
    • personal leave entitlement
    • observed UK bank holidays
    • observed University fixed closure dates
    • University long service rules.  

Note: The exception to this is TUPE balances which have a prefix of ‘TUPE’ followed by their previous employer and default weekly hours.

The personal leave entitlement stated in the balance title eg 27 days, refers to the total number of FTE days the individual has the ability to book.  This is the contractual number, eg 38 days entitlement, minus the bank holidays and fixed closure dates, which are automatically booked by the system.  

Please refer to the key below for key explanations on wording and abbreviations used in the balance titles, there is visual reference in the next section which states the specific bank holidays and fixed closure dates automatically booked by the system for the current leave year. 

Terms from balance titles Explanation
PI Principal Investigator
 SR Senior Researcher  
E-grades Grades prefixed with 'E'. Leave entitlement calculation works on the basis the FTE hours are 40 per week.     
  NoLOS Oxford University long service is not applied   
MThur Maundy Thursday is a fixed closure date and has been automatically booked    
1Xmas  The first working  day following boxing day is a fixed closure date and has been automatically booked  
 3Xmas   All three working days between Christmas and New Year are fixed closure dates and have been automatically booked  
  4Xmas Last working day before Christmas Day, plus all three working days between Christmas and New Year are fixed closure dates and have been automatically booked
5Xmas  Last two working days before Christmas Day, plus all three working days between Christmas and New Year observed are fixed closure dates and have been automatically booked 
2pre  Last two working days before Christmas Day are fixed closure dates and have been automatically booked  
 FC  Fixed closure dates  
 BH   Bank Holiday 
No BH or FC No Bank Holidays or Fixed closure dates assigned to balance, therefore must be booked if individual isn't working    
3BH  Only Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day are bank holidays and have been automatically booked




The following table states which bank holidays and fixed closure dates are observed based on the titles of the balances available:  

2024 25


System calculation

PeopleXD displays a holiday entitlement per staff appointment. This entitlement is calculated based on:

  • the holiday balance assigned to their appointment (*see further details below).
  • the point in which they join/ leave during a holiday year.
  • their working pattern, eg if they are part-time or reduce/increase their hours during a holiday year.
  • the specific bank holidays/ fixed closure dates deducted from their balance type.  
  • the contract duration, eg is their contract is due to end in the current annual leave year.

* A holiday balance entitlement is made up of several functional/ configured elements within PeopleXD, which consist of: 

  • Holiday scheme - the bank holiday and fixed closure dates observed.  
  • Balance entitlement - default holiday leave entitlement, eg 38 days plus the default working hours per week, eg 36.5 and the default working hours per day, eg 7.3. 
  • Long service entitlement - there are various rules based on the type of role/ grade and their eligibility.

System calculation vs University Policy (and University calculator)

The following briefly explains the difference in the University policy and the system calculation.  The University's holiday calculator matches the University's policy, which is generous in it's offering of bank holiday entitlement.  The system follows the industry standard, which less generous for bank holiday calculations.  This means that in most cases, there will be a difference in the calculation and you will need to make a balance adjustment to align to the University's policy.

Policy System
  • Gives 38 days inclusive of bank holiday dates and fixed closure dates
  • Pro-rates all 38 days based on individual's FTE (regardless of their start/ end date) 
  • Gives bank holidays and fixed closure dates that only fall during their employment (ie for new starters joining mid way through leave year, the system will only include bank holidays and fixed closure dates between their start date and the end of the current leave year)
  • Pro-rates the bank holidays that fall during their employment of the leave year (see above) along with their personal allowance according to their FTE