Operational HR reports
The reports listed on this page are aimed at HR staff with responsibility for operational HR matters involving the management of staff records in PeopleXD.
For a summary of reports that should be run monthly please visit our essential monthly departmental reports page.
NB: The reports below are accessed through the HR Reporting tool, unless otherwise stated.
People data
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
Shows individuals (employees, and if required, non-employees and casuals) in fixed-term appointments. Includes:
- all current staff with Fixed Term Contracts (A4 print and excel versions);
- Fixed-Term Contracts due to end (A4 print and excel versions); and
- missing/lapsed end dates
Why run these reports?
- To check details of individuals with fixed-term contracts.
- To identify which contracts are due to end.
- To identify casuals who are due to end/ past their planned end date.
When should you run these reports?
Recommended to be run monthly to ensure that contract end dates are appropriately managed.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports shows cost allocation (funding) date details for all appointment types. Includes:
- Cost allocations due to end
- Records with no cost allocations
- Cost allocations started or ended within a specified period
Why run these reports?
- To identify where funding is due to end.
- To identify records where there are no/no current cost allocations.
When should you run these reports?
Recommended to be run monthly to ensure that funding end dates are appropriately managed.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports covers changes made to person, appointment, and pay-related details, including leavers, as well as updates made by staff in Employee Self-Service (ESS), including Onboarding data collection.
Why should you run these reports?
- To check all new data or changes processed in PeopleXD with an effective date that falls within the date range selected.
- To check updates made by staff in ESS, that fall within the date range selected (based on audit date). This excludes changes made to diversity data (excepting date of birth and legal sex).
When should you run these reports?
Before payroll cut-off to ensure that data is as expected before payroll is run.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports covers any new records keyed or updates made to person details, appointments, salaries, and any leavers processed. It is designed for use on screen, for export to spreadsheet, or for printing. The reports return all data with an effective date that falls within the date range selected (with the exception of person changes which are based on audit date).
Why run reports in this folder?
To check all new data or changes with an effective date that falls within the date range selected.
When should you run these reports?
Recommended to be run before payroll cut-off to ensure that data is as expected before payroll is run.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports shows all appointment data (new and updated) that requires approval. It returns data with an input date that falls within the date range selected. These reports are designed for use on screen, for export to Excel, or for printing.
Why run reports in this folder?
To review appointment data that has been input during a period of time (eg the current payroll period) to ensure data is correct and to identify any anomalies.
When should you run these reports?
It is recommended that this report is run before payroll cut off to ensure that data is as expected before payroll is run.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report enables you to check which staff in your department are set to receive online-only payslips & P60s. You can also view details of Payslip Exceptions UDFs completed for any exceptions.
Why run this report?
- To check that employees in your department are set to receive online-only payslips & P60s;
- To check that any approved exceptions or other relevant staff (e.g. casuals) are set to
- receive paper payslips & P60s;
- To view the details of any Payslip Exceptions UDFs completed for staff in your department; and
- To view the Payslip Address Indicator setting for staff in your department who are set to receive paper payslips.
When should you run this report?
You should run this report whenever you need to check information relating to online payslips for staff in your department.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports will help you to manage different aspects of immigration and right to work, including tracking visa expiry dates and early leavers, and monitoring the presence of accurate right to work data held in PeopleXD.
There are three reports in this folder (see also below): Visa expiry dates provides details of all visas that are due to expire between the dates selected; Early leavers provides details of all employees with a visa end date who have left the University or ended their current appointment earlier than their visa expiry date; Current staff details provides details of all current employees (including 'non-employees'), along with their right to work screen data.
The reports are designed to be exported to Excel for further manipulation and analysis.
Why run reports in this folder?
There are three main reasons for running these reports:
- To identify workers and employees who are on time-limited visas, to enable identification of those requiring checks to ensure they have continued right to work.
- To identify workers and employees who have limited permission to stay (ie have provided a document from List B) who leave their appointment or the University earlier than their visa expiry date, to remind you to notify the Staff Immigration Team to ensure adherence to Home Office reporting requirements.
- To enable monitoring of completion of the mandatory right to work screen in the People Management module.
When should you run these reports?
On a regular basis to ensure that no staff continue working beyond their current visa expiry date, without evidence of continued right to work being seen by the employing department.
For those departments who have a number of employees on Skilled Worker/Tier 2 and Tier 5 visas, the Early leavers report should be run monthly after the payroll deadline to identify any early leavers. Note that this should be considered as a back-up exercise to ensure no changes have been overlooked. The Staff Immigration Team must be notified of relevant changes within five working days to enable them to notify the Home Office within the required timeframe.
These reports should be run regularly to ensure that work permits are managed appropriately.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report will help you to manage different aspects of immigration and right to work, including tracking visa expiry dates and early leavers, and monitoring the presence of accurate right to work data held in PeopleXD.
The report is split into three tabs as detailed below; tab 1 provides details of all visas that are due to expire between the parameter dates entered; tab 2 provides details of all employees with a visa end date who have left the University or ended their current appointment earlier than their visa expiry date; tab 3 provides details of all current employees (including “non-employees”), along with their right to work screen data.
The report is designed to be exported to Excel for further manipulation and analysis.
Why run this report?
There are three main reasons for running the report:
- To identify workers who are on time-limited visas, to enable identification of those requiring checks to ensure they have continued right to work.
- To identify workers who have limited permission to stay (i.e. have provided a document from List B) who leave their appointment or the University earlier than their visa expiry date, to remind you to notify the Staff Immigration Team to ensure adherence to Home Office reporting requirements.
- To enable monitoring of completion of the mandatory right to work screen in the People Management module.
When should you run this report?
The report should be run on a regular basis to ensure that no staff continue working beyond their current visa expiry date, without evidence of continued right to work being seen by the employing department.
For those departments who have a number of employees on Skilled Worker/Tier 2 and Tier 5 visas, tab 2 should be run monthly after the payroll deadline to identify any early leavers. Note that this should be considered as a “back-up” exercise to ensure no changes have been overlooked. The Staff Immigration Team must be notified of relevant changes within 5 working days to enable them to notify the Home Office within the required timeframe.
It is recommended that this report is run regularly to ensure that work permits are managed appropriately.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report returns staff working overseas, including any details recorded in the Overseas Worker UDF. It is designed to be used by Finance, Payroll and departmental HR teams.
The report will return records where any of the following criteria is true:
- Overseas Worker UDF is active
- NI letter = ‘X’
- Tax Code = ‘NT’
- Home Address Country is not UK
- Appointment Location indicates working overseas
- The Right To Work UDF indicates working overseas
It will also provide the length of time someone has been working overseas, and includes the pension scheme of which they are a member, where applicable.
Why run this report?
To identify and/or monitor current overseas staff, to ensure compliance with the Overseas Working policy.
When should you run this report?
Run monthly and/or as required.
Reporting tool: PeopleXD
Summary description
Provides details of completed checklist items that need to be manually input on the staff record; and includes parameters to filter by divisions, department, appointment start date - end date and employee number.
There are two versions of the report of the completed report:
- PERINS01 – Complete onboarding checklist items – CLINICAL (for those in clinical departments/appointments)
- PERINS01 – Complete onboarding checklist items – NON CLINICAL
This report does not include completed data that is auto-synced to the People Management staff record.
Why run this report?
To extract the completed Onboarding data that needs to be manually input into People Management, to ensure staff record completeness.
When should you run this report?
We advise that the reports are run between the main payroll deadline and before the supplementary payroll deadline to ensure you have enough time to extract the data and manually input this into personel record.
Reporting tool: PeopleXD
Summary description
Provides details of Onboarding tasks that have not yet been completed by staff. This report can be run to check the progress of any outstanding tasks and to ensure that payroll-critical data has been completed (eg bank details) before the supplementary payroll deadline.
Why run this report?
To check the progress of any outstanding tasks and to ensure that payroll-critical data has been completed (eg bank details) before the supplementary payroll deadline.
When should you run this report?
We advise that the reports are run between the main payroll deadline and before the supplementary payroll deadline to check the progress and identify staff that may need to be chased to provide their details.
Workforce Management
Please note that any report which has a prefix of 'TIM' will not return records where the staff member's system substantive appointment is outside of the PeopleXD user's security, eg where the individual has an appointment in another department. See further details here.
Tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report shows the timesheets that have been submitted for your department, and their approval status (eg submitted, approved or rejected).
Why run this report?
This report enables you to identify any timesheets that need attention before the casual payroll deadline, and the relevant Work Group Manager to contact.
When should you run this report?
Run this report regularly in the lead up to each casual payroll deadline.
The reports listed below should be run regularly but at different intervals, as appropriate for local operational needs. This could be on a quarterly, biannual, or custom frequency basis as needed.
Recruitment data
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to identify details of all your vacancies.
Why run these reports?
- To check the status of vacancies.
- To check vacancy dates.
When should you run these reports?
Run regularly to ensure that the status of vacancies is being correctly updated as they progress and that all completed vacancies are closed.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to identify all applicants for your vacancies.
Why run these reports?
- To check the status of applicants and vacancies.
- To check status dates.
- To analyse applicants and vacancies over a particular time period.
- To analyse applicants by sex and grade for recruitment monitoring purposes.
When should you run these reports?
Run regularly to ensure that the status of applicants is being correctly updated as they progress.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report outputs the answers (if any) for 'private questions' on the application form. 'Private questions' are not included in the PDF application pack; either because they are irrelevant to the selection decision or it would be inappropriate for the panel to be influenced by these details at this stage. 'Private questions' include those relating to the applicant's University connections, details of upheld allegations of bullying and harassment or research misconduct, details of unspent criminal convictions, disciplinary record, and how they heard about the vacancy.
Note that questions will only be included in the report if the applicant has provided a response that requires some action or further consideration by the employing department.
Why run this report?
This report must be run as part of every recruitment exercise to ensure that any issues that may affect the recruitment process and/or offer of employment are identified as early in the process as possible. It is intended for use by the Recruitment Administrator who should alert the Panel Chair to any issues that are relevant to the recruitment decision where it is appropriate to do so. Each case will require individual assessment and in some cases it may be appropriate to alert the Panel Chair of the disclosed details before the interview. However, where possible the information should only be disclosed once the preferred candidate has been identified but before a conditional offer is made.
Advice should be sought from the relevant HR Business Partner if it is anticipated that information provided in the private questions may have an impact on the recruitment outcome.
When should this report be run?
This report must be run for each recruitment exercise, after shortlisting and before the interviews take place.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
These are tracking reports which identify pre-employment information that has been entered into Recruitment for an appointed candidate. Includes, where applicable, GMC registration details from application data.
Why run these reports?
- To check details of which pre-employment checks have been completed and when.
- To identify where checks are still to be made.
When should you run these reports?
Run regularly to ensure that checks for new starters are initiated and completed in a timely manner.
People data
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
There are three reports available under the PERDEP07 suite of reports:
- 'Academic and senior staff aged 66 between dates selected' provides details of all employees who are in posts on grades that are subject to the EJRA, and who are at the age of 66 between the parameter dates entered. This should be run to identify the staff who should be contacted with regard to retirement planning/requesting to work beyond the EJRA date procedure.
- 'Academic and senior staff who are over the EJRA or have an approved extension to work beyond the EJRA' provides details of all employees who are subject to the EJRA policy and are already above the EJRA, as well as those who have an agreed extension to work beyond the EJRA, which has been recorded in the EJRA screen (UDF) within PeopleXD, see the EJRA scenario factsheet. NB If you find that a member of staff is working beyond their EJRA date without an approved extension, contact your HR Business Partner, as soon as possible.
- 'Staff aged 55 and over' provides details of all employees who are excluded from the provisions of the EJRA policy, but who may be considering retirement options. These staff should be contacted with regard to retirement planning.
Please refer to the current EJRA policy for the latest guidance.
When to run these reports:
Every three to six months, to ensure timely processes in respect of EJRA compliance.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report allows you to identify academics where probation and/or IPO data has been entered, which falls within the specified dates.
Note: The default selection is based on academic grades OR any employee record where the IPO (Years) field (IPO udf) has been completed - to enable IPO tracking for fellowship appointments.
Why run this report?
- To track academic appraisal activity that is required within a date range eg next 3 months, eg if review date approaching then produce interim review letters for the interested parties.
- To identify where academic appraisal dates/data is not yet entered on PeopleXD.
When should you run this report?
It is recommended to be run regularly, as required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to identify employees with probation dates due within a period you specify.
Why run this report?
To check details of probation dates.
When should you run this report?
Run regularly to ensure that probationary procedures are followed in a timely manner.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report allows you to identify which checks have been completed for individuals and marked so in PeopleXD.
Why run this report?
To check details of which pre-employment checks have been completed and when.
When should you run this report?
Run regularly to ensure that checks for new starters are completed in a timely manner.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report allows you to identify which checks have been completed for individuals and when they were flagged in PeopleXD as completed.
Why run this report?
- To check details of which pre-employment checks have been completed and when.
When should you run this report?
It is recommended that this report is run regularly to ensure that checks for new starters are completed on a timely basis.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report allows you to view all outside appointments details entered in a UDF for academic and related staff. The report can be run by academic year.
Why run this report?
To monitor outside appointments for an individual, to ensure compliance with policy: https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/holding-outside-appointments.
When should you run this report?
Every six months or at least annually.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary and purpose
This report allows you to identify:
- the payroll period in which a payment was last made against an open casual appointment for casual staff; and
- the earliest and latest timesheet claim dates held in Payroll, per casual appointment.
It contains details such as, the:
- number of weeks that the contract has been open for;
- details of the last payroll period in which each casual appointment was paid; and
- Earliest and Latest Timesheet Claim Date held in payroll, and the Target End Date held against the casual appointment.
This information can be used to:
- determine the correct end dates to record when ending a casual appointment (particularly when doing so retrospectively); and
- monitor the length of casual engagements, to assist with good record-keeping.
Read also the Casual workers, teachers and examiners PeopleXD guide.
When to run this report
Every three months as a minimum, for departments with large volumes of casual staff.
The regularity should be considered and decided locally, depending on the number of casual staff working in that department.
Workforce Management
Please note that any report which has a prefix of 'TIM' will not return records where the staff member's system substantive appointment is outside of the PeopleXD user's security, eg where the individual has an appointment in another department. See further details here.
Tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
These reports identify annual leave balances, including a separate paginated report for casual workers.
Why run these reports?
Use these to monitor leave throughout the leave year.
When should you run these reports?
It is recommended that these reports are run regularly throughout the leave year.
Please note that any report which has a prefix of 'TIM' will not return records where the staff member's system substantive appointment is outside of the PeopleXD user's security, eg where the individual has an appointment in another department. See further details here.
Tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report provides details of all sickness absences recorded in HR Self-Service, including the dates absent and reasons for sickness.
Why run this report?
This report enables you to monitor sickness absences for your department and escalate any concerns to Occupational Health.
When should you run this report?
Run regularly to ensure that your department is following University policy and statutory/legal requirements.
Please note that any report which has a prefix of 'TIM' will not return records where the staff member's system substantive appointment is outside of the PeopleXD user's security, eg where the individual has an appointment in another department. See further details here.
Tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report will show absences that are recorded by:
- Managers via HR Self-Service.
- HR via Absences tab on the staff record
It will not show absences which are only recorded as an appointment change on the Contracts tab of the staff record, refer to PERDEP45 Employee Absence.
When should you run these reports?
It is recommended that these reports are run regularly throughout the year.
People data
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports has been designed to assist you in identifying those staff within your department(s) who may be eligible for consideration under the University’s Reward and Recognition Scheme. The reports include employees with a minimum of six months service with the University as at the date the reports are run, and exclude 'workers' (ie casuals) and 'non-employees' (including agency workers – see 'Hints and Tips'). The Transfers report includes potentially eligible employees who were employed during the assessment period, but have since transferred to another department.
Why run these reports?
To assist you in identifying which employees are eligible for consideration under the Reward and Recognition Scheme.
When should you run these reports?
Prior to assessing performance under the Reward and Recognition Scheme.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of six reports let you analyse the distribution of Reward and Recognition Scheme nominations and awards in your department/division by grade/staff group and sex. Report descriptions are provided below.
The data is sourced from the following two UDFs in PeopleXD: Appt: R&R Recognition Scheme and Appt: R&R Awards for Excellence. Accurate and complete data entry is crucial as per the guidance. Incomplete entries will result in missing data (even if the individual has received payment). Refer to 'Hints and Tips' for further clarification of the data.
The report can be exported into Excel for further analysis.
Why run these reports?
To verify the nomination data input and to analyse the distribution of the nominations and awards in your department or division by grade/staff group and sex.
Note: If using this report for displaying an overview of the award data on your staff noticeboard (as policy requires), ensure that the numbers are sufficiently high to prevent individual identification.
When should you run these reports?
As required, but specifically following each annual Reward and Recognition Scheme exercise, once all the data for your department/division has been entered into PeopleXD. Any specific deadlines will be communicated each year via the HR Systems Bulletin.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
Lists employees who are due to receive an automatic salary increment.
Why run this report?
- To review increment due dates.
- To identify staff with no increment due date, or those without a future increment date (not eligible for automatic increments – on scale bar).
When should you run this report?
As and when required, in readiness for August or October automatic increments
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
The Annual Review Scenario Factsheet includes guidance on recording annual review/PDR details via a UDF. Using this report you can access the current information for employees that has been recorded in this area.
Why run this report?
- To monitor process of annual reviews.
When should you run this report?
Run as and when required.
The reports listed below should be run as and when required and not normally as part of a regular cycle.
Recruitment data
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to identify all adverts that have been placed for your vacancies.
Why run these reports?
To check where a vacancy has been advertised and when.
When should you run these reports?
As and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to identify details of referees by vacancy.
Why run these reports?
- To check referee details.
- To check where references have been requested/received.
When should you run these reports?
As required during the recruitment process.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports shows you, by vacancy, the advertising source for each applicant (ie where they saw the job advertised).
Why run these reports?
To review applicant and advert data as required.
When should you run these reports?
As required during the recruitment process.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This report allows you to identify details of qualifications for applicants by vacancy (where the long application form has been used).
Why run this report?
To check that details of qualifications have been captured.
When should you run this reports?
As and when required during a recruitment exercise.
People data
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary and purpose
This group of eight reports provides a large number of data items for current staff in post, at a given point in time, and can be run for ad-hoc data requirements. It is primarily intended for export into Excel. Read what each report contains, below, under 'Details of paginated reports within this folder'.
When should you run these reports?
As and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports provides data on current casual workers and teachers in post. It contains a large number of data items and is primarily intended for export to and manipulation in Excel.
Why run these reports?
To check details of casuals in post at a given point in time, or to provide the basis for ad-hoc data requirements by exporting to Excel and filtering and manipulating, as required.
When should you run these reports?
As and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This useful group of reports provide historical appointment information.
Why run reports in this folder?
- To review appointment changes within a date range.
- To identify staff in post at a date in the past – useful for comparison with current staff in post counts.
When should you run these reports?
As and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allow you to identify individuals within your department who have been allocated certain roles, eg Head of Department, Departmental Administrator etc within PeopleXD.
Why run reports in this folder?
Useful for the maintenance of distribution lists.
When should you run these reports?
Run as required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to identify agency workers with current and ended contracts.
Why run these reports?
- To ensure that records for all agency staff have been created. Refer to the Non-Employee (incl. Agency, Titular, AP, Visitor) Scenario Factsheet for guidance if workers have not been set up.
- To identify agency workers who are approaching or have passed 12 weeks service. See the table below re Service Point guidance.
- To check that agency worker appointments have been set up correctly. See note below re FTE.
When should you run these report?
Run regularly as required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
This group of reports allows you to output the academic staff listing (whitebook) data for your department or division depending on your access.
Why run these reports?
To check that data recorded is correct.
When should you run these reports?
Run as and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
Enables you to search for active cost centres and project codes available in PeopleXD by entering any part of the code or description (see below for a description of the criteria)
Why run this report?
To view PeopleXD and Oracle cost centres and project codes. This may be particularly useful when completing the casual payment spreadsheet or submitting forms to Data Services
When should you run this report?
As and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
Provides a summary of the current work group data held in PeopleXD, including work group managers (ie Self-Service Managers). It is designed for use on screen, for export to spreadsheet, or for printing.
Why run this report?
- To check work group data held in PeopleXD
- To report on the managers of the work groups
When should you run this report?
This report can be run as and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
Allows you to view the details held in the Academic Title UDF for all applicable records in your department or division, depending on your access.
Includes a column for ‘Grade’; users are reminded that any personal data must be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and associated legislation. For further information, please see the University Policy on Data Protection.
Why run this report?
To check that data recorded is correct.
When should you run this report?
As and when required.
Reporting tool: HR Reporting
Summary description
Tracking report which lists current staff absence, based on the appointment reason codes held in PeopleXD. Also includes worksheets for absence history, and planned future absences.
Why run this report?
- To identify absence history for employees.
When should you run this report?
As and when required.