- Staff data from PeopleXD modules form the basis of external returns that can affect the level of funding that the University receives via the HESA return and equality and diversity initiatives such as Athena SWAN
- The data from PeopleXD affect how the University is represented to the government, the public and other organisations
- It is our responsibility as an organisation to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ensure that all data held are accurate and up-to-date
- Staff data can be the subject of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests that the University is legally bound to reply to. Inaccurate data can represent a reputational risk
- Data on our employees and workers are useful for University and Departmental management teams when they undertake strategic planning
The HR Analytics Team are responsible for returning a large number of data items to external agencies each year and often respond to ad hoc internal and external request for data.
However, the input, accuracy and contextual understanding of the data are the responsibility of the administering Division or Department.
Working together to ensure good data quality is essential and we will be happy to hear from you if you need to discuss anything in detail: hris.dataquality@admin.ox.ac.uk.