Initiative/feature | Description | Priority score | Delivery size | Date delivered |
Add Work Group to reports | The work group field is used extensively to identify affiliation with different cost centre locations | 24 | L | |
Cost allocation changes to be added to PERDEP21 Monthly Data Input Check report | Add cost allocation changes to the report to enable more accurate monitoring and corrections, where needed. | 23.5 | L | |
Introduce new starter data collection through HR Self-Service (via 'Onboarding') | Collect new starter details through HR Self-Service, enabling a secure and comprehensive way to gather information for new starter, utilising an existing platform and maximising its benefits, enhancing employee experience and streamlining data collection processes. | 28 | L | November 2023 |
Remove the full application form from Online recruitment | Remove the full application form as no longer required/meets University's needs. | 19 | M | |
Stop issuing paper payslips to casual staff | Extend online-only payslip issuance approach to casual staff, to help maximise benefits of HR Self-Service and save on paper and printing costs, and for a positive environmental impact. | 19 | L | October 2023 |
Add Work Group and Work Group manager details to PERDEP40 Probationary Dates Due report | To enable HR to send out reminders to managers to complete their probation reviews without either multiple emails to a manager of a group or without going into PeopleXD to look up managers for each separate staff member. | 25 | M | |
Introduce contract templates in Recruitment | Enable contract production for successful applicant, once the offer has been accepted. | M | ||
Implement pay scale range into Vacancy | Apply an automatic pay scale range to the vacancy grade field, so this information is not entered manually. | 27 | M | |
Amend Recruitment emails | On the 'rejection post interview' email, remove 'on' for the date, as it is not being used and can lead to errors. | 17 | S | |
Make Standard Hours field mandatory | Mark this field as mandatory to reduce the number of appointment records that have this information missing. | 21.5 | S | |
Add Work Group details to PERDEP01 Limited data set with cost allocations report | The Work Group and Work group manager details to enable easier reporting of required information for cost allocation details. | 22 | M |