POGs Portfolio and other BAU projects

On these pages we outline HR Systems features and initiatives that are currently planned or are being delivered as part our 'business as usual' (BAU) activities.

The POG Portfolio consists of all the items logged for potential future delivery and is a combination of user requests, supplier releases and workstreams that have fallen out of projects.

Each item in the Portfolio is scored by the POG members using a specific methodology, to identify whether it is a high, medium or low priority for the University. The minimum score is 8, with a maximum score being 32. The delivery size looks across three key areas: functional; business change and policy, with the size allocated based on the extent of the work involved and its impact on each area.

Initiative/feature Description Priority score Delivery size Status
Interview panel widget and online shortlisting Interview panel widget that enables an interview panel to view the vacancy and access shortlisting through HR Self-Service, enabling the panel to self-serve document required shortlisting., removing the need for off-system file sharing. 25.5 XL In progress (Successful pilot completed in UAS)
Remove inactive reference data Remove any reference data labelled 'ZZ do not use', to help improve data quality by ensuring that only 'active' options are available for selection. 25 L In progress
Managing change in hours Implement a quick method for processing change in hours, with an automatic link to Payroll change to ensure accurate pay, and save on processing time. 20 L Approved
Reminder notifications for end of Fixed-Term contracts Enable email and in-system alerts for fixed-term contracts coming to an end. 22 L In progress
New report containing staff requests that have been raised A report that shows all staff requests that have been raised for the purpose of regrading a current staff member's role. 23.5 L Approved
Remove 'Roles in Department' UDF Remove 'Roles in Department' UDF, which has not been used since 2012 and for which no other current support processes exist. It was designed to capture specific roles within a department such as 'Head of Department' etc. tbc tbc Approved


Initiative/feature Description Priority score Delivery size Date delivered
Add Work Group to reports The work group field is used extensively to identify affiliation with different cost centre locations 24 L  
Cost allocation changes to be added to PERDEP21 Monthly Data Input Check report Add cost allocation changes to the report to enable more accurate monitoring and corrections, where needed. 23.5 L  
Introduce new starter data collection through HR Self-Service (via 'Onboarding') Collect new starter details through HR Self-Service, enabling a secure and comprehensive way to gather information for new starter, utilising an existing platform and maximising its benefits, enhancing employee experience and streamlining data collection processes. 28 L November 2023
Remove the full application form from Online recruitment Remove the full application form as no longer required/meets University's needs. 19 M  
Stop issuing paper payslips to casual staff Extend online-only payslip issuance approach to casual staff, to help maximise benefits of HR Self-Service and save on paper and printing costs, and for a positive environmental impact. 19 L October 2023
Add Work Group and Work Group manager details to PERDEP40 Probationary Dates Due report To enable HR to send out reminders to managers to complete their probation reviews without either multiple emails to a manager of a group or without going into PeopleXD to look up managers for each separate staff member. 25 M  
Introduce contract templates in Recruitment Enable contract production for successful applicant, once the offer has been accepted.   M  
Implement pay scale range into Vacancy Apply an automatic pay scale range to the vacancy grade field, so this information is not entered manually. 27 M  
Amend Recruitment emails On the 'rejection post interview' email, remove 'on' for the date, as it is not being used and can lead to errors. 17 S  
Make Standard Hours field mandatory Mark this field as mandatory to reduce the number of appointment records that have this information missing. 21.5 S  
Add Work Group details to PERDEP01 Limited data set with cost allocations report The Work Group and Work group manager details to enable easier reporting of required information for cost allocation details. 22 M  


Other work being progressed or that has been delivered outside the POG work.