Leave balances - make balance adjustment


  1. What is a balance and when do I assign one? - fundamental information for HR to understand before assigning and checking balances.  
  2. Assign a balance after reading section 1, how to assign a balance for any new appointment.
  3. Checking assigned balances how to check the balance has been correctly calculated.
  4. Make balance adjustmentwhen and how to override the balance calculation. 



  1. After committing to an action, such as clicking SAVE, a green success message appears, wait for the dark green line to fill, before proceeding. 
  2. Ellipses = ‘three dots’, usually at the end of a row. 


Details of our online training available and booking links can be found on the Workforce Management training webpage.

Note: This feature is currently limited to staff in participating departments which is being rolled out in stages throughout the University.  

For casuals and variable hours staff:  The assignment of a balance is only necessary for those staff submitting timesheets via HR Self-Service. 



This table outlines common scenarios when balances will need to be adjusted and what 'Adjust' type to select: 

Scenario Adjust type Considerations
Individual has approved annual leave to carry over from previous holiday year  Carried Forward Any unused carried forward leave will be deducted after 31 December.  
Adding unused annual leave accrued whilst on family leave  Floating Ensure clear reason notes are made.
Adding HEI long service Floating Ensure notes include 'HEI' long service.  This needs to be recorded at the beginning of every leave year. 
Individual has Additional Leave, eg purchased  Floating Ensure clear reason notes are made.
Discrepancy between University calculator figure and system calculation  Floating Ensure clear reason notes are made.

Individual moving into new appointment and you are recording any unused entitlement from previous appointment.


Floating Ensure clear reason notes are made.
Appointment being ended (eg leaving university) and you want to update the entitlement to reflect their leaving date.  Floating Follow ending appointments guidance.


Navigation path: People Management > Employees > View > Employee Search > (Locate individual) > View.

  1. Select the correct appointment from the appointment drop-down selection at the top of the staff record.
  2. Select the Balances tab.
  3. From ellipsis menu on the current balance, select Balance Adjustment.
  4. Complete the following fields:


(* mandatory)

Date Effective* Record the effective date of the adjustment, eg 1 October or the start date of the latest appointment. 

This categorises the type of adjustment and allows for transparency, eg carried forward leave will be very visible to the individual via HR Self-Service.   Refer to previous section for examples and further clarification.

Adjust Amount*

This is the amount you want to add/ deduct from the current balance.

Ensure you are entering these in hours or days as accordingly and where appropriate have prorated the amount according to the individual's FTE.

Reason for Adjustment Record clear notes regarding the adjustment. 


  1. Click Save.