Follow this guide when appointing new or existing staff and non-employees into new appointments, where there is no online application for this position. This includes casuals, secondments, regrades, and non-employees such as visitors, volunteers etc.
2. Check for existing staff record and if you have access to it
Caution: Duplicate records create extra work!
If duplicate records are created in error, HR Systems Support must delete them. The department's HR will then have to re-enter all information for the new post in the correct record. Follow the steps below to prevent duplicate records.
Existing record identified?
Verify the status of the other appointment with the employing department. This is crucial, especially if the end date of the existing appointment and the start date of the new appointment may overlap. This will prevent errors, such as processing a leaver and a starter in the same payroll month.
Warning: Department listed as Pensioners Payroll, Linacre College, Green Templeton College, St Hugh's College, Student Union or a Subsidiary (check the University Org Chart, if unsure)?
If yes, create a new duplicate record > follow the CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE steps.