New appointments for new and existing staff (not for online applicants)

Follow this guide when appointing new or existing staff and non-employees into new appointments, where there is no online application for this position. This includes casuals, secondments, regrades, and non-employees such as visitors, volunteers etc.

Before appointing an agency worker, consult the agency about any recent University work and the gap duration between assignments; this can impact their '12-week qualifying period’. Refer to Agency workers policy.

2. Check for existing staff record and if you have access to it

Caution: Duplicate records create extra work!

If duplicate records are created in error, HR Systems Support must delete them. The department's HR will then have to re-enter all information for the new post in the correct record. Follow the steps below to prevent duplicate records.

Existing record identified?

Verify the status of the other appointment with the employing department. This is crucial, especially if the end date of the existing appointment and the start date of the new appointment may overlap. This will prevent errors, such as processing a leaver and a starter in the same payroll month.

Warning: Department listed as Pensioners Payroll, Linacre College, Green Templeton College, St Hugh's College, Student Union or a Subsidiary (check the University Org Chart, if unsure)?

If yes, create a new duplicate record > follow the CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE steps.

  1. If you have access to this person in PeopleXD already, follow: Appointing existing staff.

To check if you have access: i. Go to: Employee Dashboard > People Management

ii. Click VIEW next to Employees in Command Centre

iii. Search for individual by name.

  1. If you're unsure or don't have access to their PeopleXD record or you know they are new/a rehire (but did not apply for the post online), proceed to 'Perform Duplicate Employee Check'.
For direct appointments, casual staff and others who did not apply via online Recruitment:

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Command Centre

  1. Click NEW STARTER to load a list of posts.
  2. Search for post by six-digit Post No. (ref. Reward Team's email). For casual, agency and other non-employee staff search by 'bucket' post name (ie AGENCY, CASUAL CASTCH (casual teachers), CASEXM (casual examiners), CASAMB (casual student ambassadors) or NONEMP).
  3. Click to highlight the correct post > click NEXT.
  4. Conduct a thorough search by first name, surname or NI number (if available). Ensure you are searching using full legal names, as shortened versions may have been provided, eg Kate vs Katherine etc. Repeat the search using different criteria to ensure no existing record exists. To be fully certain, cross-check the CV for any prior University employment.
  5. Existing record found?
    1. No > Follow CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE steps.
    2. Yes > Review the Action column and follow guidance below:

Warning: Department listed as Pensioner's Payroll, Linacre College, Green Templeton College, St Hugh's College or a Subsidiary (check the University Org Chart, if unsure)?

If yes, create a new duplicate record > follow the CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE steps.


ii.a Action column = Transfer and new appointment is for employee > Exit & follow: New appointment for existing staff OR

ii.b Action column = Transfer and new appointment is bucket post (eg NONEMP, AGENCY) OR

  • Where appointing any bucket post for a current staff member you cannot access, in all cases you need to appoint as an additional appointment. Follow: New appointment for existing staff 
  • Once appointed please notify the previous department to end their appointment.

ii.c Action column = New contract > Follow: New appointment for existing staff OR

ii.d Action column Rehire > Follow: Rehire ex-staff member