Personnel reports - current data

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Summary and purpose

This group of eight reports provides a large number of data items for current staff in post, at a given point in time, and can be run for ad-hoc data requirements. It is primarily intended for export into Excel. Read what each report contains, below, under 'Details of paginated reports within this folder'.

When should you run these reports?

As and when required.

Additional useful information

  • Always set a parameter within either the Division, Management unit code, Department code or Department fields. Unless using the Department code field, always tick 'NULL' against the Department code field. When entering a selection of department codes into the Department code field, leave 'NULL' unticked. Where the above instructions aren't followed, your report will return 0 results! Read further guidance in the Available Filters table below.
  • Allowance indicator: Where an employee is in receipt of an allowance, this will be indicated by a “Y” in the "Allowance indicator" column in Full Data Set. Refer to Full Data Set with allowances for details of the allowance(s).
  • Explanation of service dates: 


  • Care should be taken when an individual may have consecutive service with the University prior to April 2001 as this may not be correctly reflected.  Departments were notified in November 2024, as part of a data cleansing exercise, of all affected staff records. Departments were advised to review/ update those records.
  • All service dates and duration refer to the University and will therefore include where an individual has transferred between departments at any time in that affected period.
  • Due to a difference in the calculation methods, there may appear to be a very minor difference between the Length of Service and Continuous Service Duration columns, normally with only a 0.1 difference. This does not impact the staff members’ length of service/continuous service dates, but for clarity, you may refer to the People Management record where service details are displayed in years, months and days. 
  • When referring to the definitions below, care should be taken where the ‘overwrite’ option in PeopleXD has been used by the department, as the date and service calculations may be affected.  
  • Latest start date: the start of the earliest consecutive appointment with the University, which includes all appointment types, eg casual appointments.  
  • Length of service (duration):  current length of service from the Latest Start Date of their consecutive appointments with the University, which includes all appointment types, eg casual appointments.  
  • Total length of service: total length of engagement/ employment at the University. This is calculated using all appointments, regardless of appointment type, eg casual appointments from the start date of the individual’s very first appointment, shown in the Date First Joined field to now.  The length of service refers to all appointments, including where there are breaks. 
  • Continuous service start date: earliest start date of qualifying consecutive* appointments at the University. For details on which appointments qualify for continuous service refer to the University’s policy.
  • Continuous service duration: length of service in qualifying consecutive* appointments at the University, from the Continuous Service Start Date. For details on which appointments qualify for continuous service refer to the University’s policy.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Division N Select a division if you have access to more than one department within your division and wish to run a report for all of the departments within that division or where you have access to more than one division and wish to return results for departments within only one division.
Management unit code N Select a management unit code if you have access to more than one department within your management unit and wish to run a report for all of the departments within that area.

Department Code


To run a report for all of the departments to which you have access - tick 'NULL'.  To run a report for a selection of the departments to which you have access simply enter the codes, separated by a comma, eg AC, DF, EQ.

NB If you do not select a division, a management unit code or do not tick NULL or enter a selection of department codes, your report will return 0 results.



You can also run a report based on the department description. Multiple values can be selected.



Select a location, if required.

Grade N You can run the report by grade only. This will return results for staff who hold an appointment on the grade(s) selected – providing you have permission to view data in that department and/or at the grade selected.

Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.

Employee Status


The default is 'ALL', which includes non-employees. Use the dropdown to select specific status(es).

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of paginated reports within this folder

Report Notes

Full data set

Contains all current appointments with additional useful information from appointment records and user data area. Includes an indicator to highlight where the multiplier is not equal to the FTE and an indicator to show if the employee is in receipt of an allowance (see “hints and tips” above). Data is grouped and the column headings are colour coded for ease of reference. 

Full data set with cost allocations

As for Full Data Set, but with the addition of cost allocation details. Includes an indicator to assist users in identifying staff members without a cost allocation.

Full data set with allowances

As for Full Data Set, but with additional allowance information (and cost allocations for that allowance). Note that where an employee has more than one allowance, each allowance will be shown as a separate row in the report. Employees who do not have any allowances will also appear on this report. 

Limited data set (A4 print)

Reduced set of fields to generate a report ideal for printing, excludes pay information.

Limited data set with grade info (A4 print)

As per Limited data set (A4 print), but with the addition of grade, point and salary details with grade info. 

Limited data set with cost allocations (A4 print)

As per Limited data set (A4 print), but with the addition of workgroup name, workgroup manager and cost allocation information.

Home address & contact details

As well as home address details, includes email, Single Sign-on and University card details.

Summary totals by Division

Summary count of appointments, headcount and FTE by division. You will only see figures for the departments to which you have access. Report parameters include an Employee Status filter, which defaults to Permanent, Fixed Term, Open Ended Externally Funded and Self-Financing statuses, but can be updated.

Summary description

This group of reports provides data on current casual workers and teachers in post. It contains a large number of data items and is primarily intended for export to and manipulation in Excel.

Why run these reports?

To check details of casuals in post at a given point in time, or to provide the basis for ad-hoc data requirements by exporting to Excel and filtering and manipulating, as required.

When should you run these reports?

As and when required.

Hints & tips

  • Explanation of service dates: 
    • Latest start date: This is the start of the earliest consecutive appointment with the University. This may include previous service with different departments. Care should be taken when an employee may have continuous service with the University prior to April 2001 as this may not be reflected. Care should also be taken where an individual has transferred between departments at any time as this date may have been updated incorrectly.

 Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected.

Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.



Select a location, if required.

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of paginated reports within this folder

Report Notes

Full data set

This shows all current appointments with additional useful information from appointment records and user data area. Includes an indicator to highlight where the multiplier is not equal to the FTE (see 'Hints and tips' above). Data is grouped and the column headings are colour coded for ease of reference.   

Full data set with allowances

As for Full Data Set, but with additional allowance information (and cost allocations for that allowance). Note that where a casual has more than one allowance, each allowance will be shown as a separate row in the report. Casual staff without allowances will also appear on this report. 


Limited data set (A4 print)

Reduced set of fields to generate a report ideal for printing, excludes pay information.

Home address and contact details

As well as home address details, includes email, Single Sign-on and University card details

Summary description

Shows individuals (employees, and if required, non-employees and casuals) in fixed-term appointments. Includes:

  • all current staff with Fixed Term Contracts (A4 print and excel versions);
  • Fixed-Term Contracts due to end (A4 print and excel versions); and
  • missing/lapsed end dates

Why run these reports?

  • To check details of individuals with fixed-term contracts.
  • To identify which contracts are due to end.
  • To identify casuals who are due to end/ past their planned end date.

When should you run these reports?

Recommended to be run monthly to ensure that contract end dates are appropriately managed.

Hints & tips

  • Results: Where there is no end date for a fixed-term contract this is flagged by the cell being highlighted in Red on several of the reports within this folder. To ensure data integrity, these records should be updated with the missing dates.
  • Data: See note below on Employee Status if you want to report on non-employees as well as employees.
  • Data: For details of funding end dates see PERDEP10_Cost Allocation (Funding) End dates.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.





Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.


Department Description


As above, select the department name if required.


Employee Status


The default is 'FIXED TERM', but can be changed to include non-employees, which will include Marie Curie Students and Nuffield Medical Fellows. Workers can also be selected to identify casuals.


Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.


Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.




Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.


FTCs due to end (A4 print) & FTCs due to end (Excel)




Target end date (from)


Contract end dates from this point in time.

Target end date (to)


Contract end dates to this point in time.

Details of paginated reports within PERDEP02 folder

Report Notes

FTCs (A4 print)

Limited set of fields to generate a report ideal for printing. Shows basic person and appointment details for all employees on a fixed-term contract.

FTCs (Excel)

More extensive set of person and appointment fields for all employees on a fixed-term contract. Ideal for export to Excel for further data analysis.

FTCs due to end (A4 print)

Limited set of fields to generate a report ideal for printing. Shows basic person and appointment details for employees with a fixed-term contract due to end within the period specified.

FTCs due to end (Excel)

More extensive set of person and appointment fields for exporting showing employees with a fixed-term contract due to end within the period specified.

Missing FTC end dates

Shows all employees within the department for whom the FTC end date is blank.

Lapsed FTC end dates

Shows all employees within the department for whom the FTC end date has been passed, ie their contract should have been ended or extended.

Target end date misuse 

Shows records where target end date is present, but employee status is not Fixed-Term, Worker or Non-employee.

Summary description

This useful group of reports provide historical appointment information.

Why run reports in this folder?

  • To review appointment changes within a date range.
  • To identify staff in post at a date in the past – useful for comparison with current staff in post counts.

When should you run these reports?

As and when required.

 Hints & tips

  • Results: For both reports please note, that appointment history prior to 2003 is incomplete and that history which relates to discontinued department codes will not appear if you do not have security access to those departments. Please contact the HR Systems Support if you require access to history for old department codes.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.

Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.

Employee Status


The default is 'PERMANENT', 'OPEN ENDED EXTERNALLY FUNDED', 'FIXED TERM', 'WORKER' and 'SELF FINANCING. Select from the dropdown the specific status(es) or remove the default list to bring back all records (this will include non-employees).

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Employee Details




Period start date


Appointment changes from this point in time.

Period end date


Appointment changes to this point in time.

Change reason


Select specific reason(s) or leave as is to return all records.

Employment status N Select a specific employment status or leave as is to return all records.

Staff in Post (point in time)




Point in time


Records as at this point in time.



Select a location, if required.


Details of reports in this folder

Report Notes

Employee Details

Shows all records where an appointment has been changed within the specified period. 

Staff in Post (point in time)

Personal and appointment data for employees in post at the specified date. Has the same fields as the PERDEP01_Staff in Post (Limited data set) report enabling comparison between current and historical data.


Summary description

This group of reports allow you to identify individuals within your department who have been allocated certain roles, eg Head of Department, Departmental Administrator etc within PeopleXD.

Why run reports in this folder?

Useful for the maintenance of distribution lists.

When should you run these reports?

Run as required.

Hints & tips

  • Results: Data must have been entered into the relevant section in PeopleXD before someone will be returned by this report. Refer to the Departmental Roles Scenario Factsheet (PDF) for guidance on allocating roles.
  • 'Employee’s Role History' data: Employee’s Role History will only vary from the Employee’s Current Role Details report once roles are allocated to different employees over time.
  • Migrated data: Please note Role Date From for migrated data shows as ‘1 Jan 1900’. If you know the actual start date for the role this can be amended as per Scenario Factsheet  above.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.





Department code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.




As above, select the department name, if required.


Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.




Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.


Role department codes(s)


Select the relevant department code where the role exists (as opposed to the department where the role holder works). Multiple values can be selected.

Role N Select a specific role(s) or leave as is to return all results.      


Details of paginated reports within this folder

Report Notes

Employee’s Current Role Details

Shows names of individuals within the department with current roles. 

Employee’s Role History

Shows names of individuals within the department with current and past roles.


Summary description

This group of reports allows you to identify agency workers with current and ended contracts.

Why run these reports?

When should you run these report?

Run regularly as required.

Hints & tips

  • Results: Data must have been entered into the relevant section PeopleXD before someone will be returned by this report.
  • Service Days = estimate of working days since contract start date, based on a five-day working week, at report run date.
  • Service Point = based on service days; more than 12 weeks, more than eight weeks or less than eight weeks. See below for key to guidance.
  • FTE: Should always be '0' for agency workers. Any other FTE is highlighted in red. The records for these appointments must be updated in PeopleXD. Refer to CH3 Changing Hours (PDF).

Service Point guidance

Service Point Key Action

Over 12 weeks

Highlighted RED

If the worker is still here, you must amend their appointment to reflect relevant grade/point (see Update agency worker records at 12 weeks  Scenario Factsheet for guidance). Alternatively, if they are no longer working in your department you must end date their appointment (see the End Appointments How-to Guide ).

Over 12 weeks NOT GRADE N99

Highlighted ORANGE

No action required.

Over 8 weeks

Highlighted YELLOW

As Service Days gets closer to 60, you should consider changes to their appointment from 12 weeks.

Under 8 weeks


No action required.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Date from


Current Agency Appointments & Count Current Agency Appointments: Date that contract start date will be equal, or greater than.

Ended Agency Appointments & Count Ended Agency Appointments: Date that contract end date will be equal, or greater than.

Date to


Current Agency Appointments & Count Current Agency Appointments: Date that contract start date will be equal, or less than.

Ended Agency Appointments & Count Ended Agency Appointments: Date that contract end date will be equal, or less than.

Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code here. Multiple values can be selected.

Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Current Agency Appointments

Shows appointment details for agency workers with current appointments (ie where there is no contract end date).

Count Current Agency Appointments

Count of current appointments by Service Point group.

Ended Agency Appointments

Shows appointment details for agency workers with ended appointments (ie where there is a contract end date).

Count Ended Agency Appointments

Count of ended appointments by Service Point group.



There are three reports available under the PERDEP07 suite of reports:

  1. 'Academic and senior staff aged 66 between dates selected' provides details of all employees who are in posts on grades that are subject to the EJRA, and who are at the age of 66 between the parameter dates entered. This should be run to identify the staff who should be contacted with regard to retirement planning/requesting to work beyond the EJRA date procedure. 
  2. 'Academic and senior staff who are over the EJRA or have an approved extension to work beyond the EJRA' provides details of all employees who are subject to the EJRA policy and are already above the EJRA, as well as those who have an agreed extension to work beyond the EJRA, which has been recorded in the EJRA screen (UDF) within PeopleXD, see the EJRA scenario factsheetNB If you find that a member of staff is working beyond their EJRA date without an approved extension, contact your HR Business Partner, as soon as possible.
  3. 'Staff aged 55 and over' provides details of all employees who are excluded from the provisions of the EJRA policy, but who may be considering retirement options. These staff should be contacted with regard to retirement planning.

Please refer to the current EJRA policy for the latest guidance.

When to run these reports: 

Every three to six months, to ensure timely processes in respect of EJRA compliance.

Hints & tips

  • Missing data: The reports include and highlight (in red) records where retirement date is unknown due to missing date of birth. To ensure data integrity such records must be corrected promptly.
  • Staff with multiple appointments: If an employee holds employment contracts with more than one department, each department should send a separate retirement reminder letter for each of their respective appointments.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




From date

('Academic and senior aged 66 between dates selected' only)


Select/enter the start date of the period required.

To date

('Academic and senior aged 66 between dates selected' only)


Select/enter the end date of the period required.

As at date

('Academic and senior staff who are over the EJRA or have an approved extension to work beyond the EJRA' and 'Staff aged 55 and over (non-EJRA grades)')

Select/enter the effective date on which you want the data to be based.

Department code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected.



As above, select the department name, if required.

Pay Admin by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.

Employee status


Default excludes casuals and non-employees. Select
specific status(es).  

Personnel number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank to return all relevant



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of reports in this folder

Report Notes

Academic and senior staff aged 66 between dates

Includes staff who are covered by the provisions of the EJRA policy and who are 66 between the dates entered in the filters.

Report includes a calculated EJRA date based on date of birth and EJRA rules.

Letter templates to use: ML1 or ML2, to notify staff approaching their EJRA.

Academic and senior staff who are over the EJRA or have an
approved extension to work beyond the EJRA

Includes staff who are covered by the provisions of the EJRA policy and who are above the EJRA (70 years and above), as well as any employees with agreed extensions to work beyond the EJRA, where this has been recorded in PeopleXD.

This enables you to identify staff working beyond their EJRA date, without the EJRA committee’s approval, and also to monitor the approaching extended retirement dates of those who have an approved extension to work beyond their EJRA date. This report should also be used to identify any missing data within the EJRA UDF.

Letter templates to use: ML3 or ML4, to communicate with staff approaching the end of their extension to work beyond the EJRA.

Staff aged 55 and over (non-EJRA grades)

Includes all employees not covered by the provisions of the EJRA, who are age 55 and over at the ‘as at date’ entered.


Summary description

This report allows you to identify academics where probation and/or IPO data has been entered, which falls within the specified dates.

Note: The default selection is based on academic grades OR any employee record where the IPO (Years) field (IPO udf) has been completed - to enable IPO tracking for fellowship appointments.

Why run this report?

  • To track academic appraisal activity that is required within a date range eg next 3 months, eg if review date approaching then produce interim review letters for the interested parties.
  • To identify where academic appraisal dates/data is not yet entered on PeopleXD.

When should you run this report?

It is recommended to be run regularly, as required.

Hints & tips

  • Running: This report may take slightly longer to run than other reports due to the complexity of the calculations involved.
  • Output: It is recommended that the data is exported and then Excel filters used to flag where similar activity is required for a number of records.
  • Results: Remember, data must have been entered into the relevant section in PeopleXD before it will be returned by this report.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Date from


Date that is equal to, or more than, for any of the following fields:

  • Probation Expiry Date (or Probation Extension if that exists)
  • Probation Review date 1
  • Probation Review date 2
  • 2nd Report due (but only if 2nd Report received is not complete)
  • Formal Report due (but only if Formal Report received is not complete)

Date to


Date that is equal to, or less than, for any of the fields as above.

Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected.

Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Employee Status


The default is 'PERMANENT', 'OPEN ENDED EXTERNALLY FUNDED', 'FIXED TERM', 'WORKER' and 'SELF FINANCING. Select specific status(es) or remove the default list to bring back all records (this will include non-employees).

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Include completed probations


Enter Yes or No.

Note: NO will only return records where probation completion date is not complete. YES will return all records including those where the probation completion date has been set.

 Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Employee List

Shows basic appointment details, probation dates, IPO dates and comments (where entered).


Summary description

This group of reports allows you to output the academic staff listing (whitebook) data for your department or division depending on your access.

Why run these reports?

To check that data recorded is correct.

When should you run these reports?

Run as and when required.

NOTE: The University-wide version of this report will be run centrally by Human Resources and issued to divisional representatives on a quarterly basis.

Hints & tips

Incorrect or missing data: Follow the Academic staff listing (whitebook) Scenario Factsheet for guidance on updating records. This will be required where the academic staff listing details are incorrect, or the 'Selection by Academic Grades' report identifies an individual who should be included.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.






Select division if relevant

Department Code


As above, select the department code, if required.

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Whitebook Full Details

Full set of academic staff listing data. Ideal for export to Excel for further data analysis.

Whitebook Printable

Limited set of fields to generate a report ideal for printing, shows basic person and appointment details for individuals flagged as ‘whitebook’.

Appointment Summary Count

Count by appointment title for employees reported in the whitebook.

Appointment Summary FTE

Analysis of FTE by appointment title for employees reported in the whitebook.

Selection by Academic Grades

Identifies individuals who by their grade could be relevant for inclusion in the whitebook, but where their appointment has not been flagged as such.


Summary description

This group of reports shows cost allocation (funding) date details for all appointment types. Includes:

  • Cost allocations due to end
  • Records with no cost allocations
  • Cost allocations started or ended within a specified period

Why run these reports?

  • To identify where funding is due to end.
  • To identify records where there are no/no current cost allocations.

When should you run these reports?

Recommended to be run monthly to ensure that funding end dates are appropriately managed.

Hints & tips

Data: See note below on Employee Status if you want to report on non-employees and/or casuals as well as employees.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Date From


Costing end date greater or equal to this date.

Date To


Costing end date less or equal to this date.

Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected.

Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.

Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.

Employee Status


The default is 'PERMANENT', 'OPEN ENDED EXTERNALLY FUNDED', 'FIXED TERM', 'WORKER' and 'SELF FINANCING. Select specific status(es) or remove the default list to bring back all records (this will include non-employees).

Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

 Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Cost Allocation due to end

Shows cost allocations due to end during specified period where there are no further/subsequent allocations set up.

Costing Never Assigned to the Appointment

Identifies records where the cost allocation has never been set up.

No Current Cost Allocation

Identifies records where the most recent cost allocation has an end date in the past.

Cost Allocation Ended in Period

Shows cost allocations ended in a specified period. Note: there may be subsequent cost allocations with end dates outside of the period specified, but these will not be reported back.

Cost Allocation Started in Period

Shows cost allocations started in a specified period, whether or not there were previous cost allocations.


Summary description

This group of reports has been designed to assist you in identifying those staff within your department(s) who may be eligible for consideration under the University’s Reward and Recognition Scheme. The reports include employees with a minimum of six months service with the University as at the date the reports are run, and exclude 'workers' (ie casuals) and 'non-employees' (including agency workers – see 'Hints and Tips'). The Transfers report includes potentially eligible employees who were employed during the assessment period, but have since transferred to another department.

Why run these reports?

To assist you in identifying which employees are eligible for consideration under the Reward and Recognition Scheme.

When should you run these reports?

Prior to assessing performance under the Reward and Recognition Scheme.

Hints & tips

Length of service: this is based on 'Latest start date' in PeopleXD, which reflects the employee’s latest rejoin date if they have left and rejoined the University. This potentially includes service with a previous department.

Casual service: note that length of service includes any service obtained within a casual appointment – which does not count towards service eligibility for the scheme. You will need to ensure you are aware of employees who have casual service within the previous six months and manually exclude these from being considered under the scheme.

Eligibility – categories for further consideration: the following categories of staff will be included on the report, but their specific circumstances may affect their eligibility:

  • Staff at the top of the discretionary range of the grade: In the Awards for Excellence scheme, staff at the top discretionary point of any grade are eligible to be considered for the award of a non-pensionable lump sum to the value of one increment to reward exceptional performance only. They are eligible for the Recognition Scheme. These staff are highlighted on the report.
  • Apprentices: Apprentices have pre-determined grade progression and are eligible only for non-recurrent awards through the Awards for Excellence Scheme. They are eligible for Recognition Awards. It is the departments’ responsibility to identify their apprentices.
  • TUPE transfers: If the job category field in PeopleXD contains the 'TUPE transfer' indicator this will be highlighted on the report. Staff who have transferred in to the University under a TUPE arrangement will be eligible for consideration unless that arrangement precludes inclusion or imposes alternative ‘merit’ arrangements. If you are unsure about whether an individual should be included, please check their contractual arrangements and seek further advice from your HR Business Partner if clarity is required.
  • Staff paid on grades ending with 90: These are likely to be staff transferred under TUPE arrangements (see above) but you should check their contractual arrangements and seek further advice from your HR Business Partner, if required.  
  • Absent staff: Staff who have been absent for part of the assessment period due to sickness or for family-related reasons should also be reviewed, with due allowance made for the period of absence. Departments are responsible for identifying staff who have had a period of absence.
  • Agency workers: Agency workers with more than six months service and paid at equivalent rates to staff on grade 1-10 are eligible for consideration under the scheme. We are currently exploring ways of incorporating these workers into the report. In the meantime departments are asked to determine the eligibility of their agency staff via separate means.       

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.





Department Code


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code . Multiple values can be selected.


Department Description


As above, select the department name, if required.


Administered by


Select DEP (department) or DIV (division), if required.




Select a location, if required.


Personnel Number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank for 'all' records.




Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.


 Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes

Current staff

All current staff with at least six months service at the date the report is run, who are paid on one of the grades that are eligible for consideration under the Reward and Recognition scheme.  Excludes all records with an employee status of “worker” (eg casuals) and “non-employee” who are not eligible under the scheme (see note on Agency Workers above) as well as those who have left, who would not normally be considered. Fields include: grade, point, job category (with TUPE indicator highlighted) and a 'Top of scale' column identifying those staff who are at the top of the discretionary range (see Hints and Tips above).


Staff who were employed in the department in one of the eligible grades/categories for all or part of the assessment period (previous calendar year) but who have since transferred to another department. 

Organisational Restructures: If you had responsibility for a department that closed during the assessment period, in addition to running both of the reports for your current department code(s) you will need to run the Transfers report on the closed department code(s) to ensure you capture employees who transferred from that department to another department during the assessment period.


Summary description

Enables you to search for active cost centres and project codes available in PeopleXD by entering any part of the code or description (see below for a description of the criteria)

Why run this report?

To view PeopleXD and Oracle cost centres and project codes. This may be particularly useful when completing the casual payment spreadsheet or submitting forms to Data Services

When should you run this report?

As and when required.

Hints & tips

  • Results: If the report is blank, the criteria you have entered is either invalid or inactive.
  • Data: If the report contains unexpected data, check that you have entered the correct details in the search box

Available filters

Enter one of the following in the search box The details below will be returned
Two character dept. code All active cost centre and project codes containing the specified characters
Cost centre Active Cost centre codes and Oracle descriptions
Project code (full or partial) All active project codes containing the specified character string
Project description (full or partial) All active project codes containing the specified text or character string


Summary description

Provides a summary of the current work group data held in PeopleXD, including work group managers (ie Self-Service Managers). It is designed for use on screen, for export to spreadsheet, or for printing. 

Why run this report?

  • To check work group data held in PeopleXD
  • To report on the managers of the work groups

When should you run this report?

This report can be run as and when required.

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.




Department code(s)


If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected.



As above, select the department name, if required.

Employee Status N The default is 'ALL', which includes non-employees. Use the dropdown to select specific status(es).

Work group(s)

 N You can select/enter one or more work groups, if required. Otherwise, leave blank to return data for all work groups.

Personnel number


Enter specific personnel number or leave blank to return all relevant



Enter specific surname or leave blank for 'all' records.

Work group prefix (dept code) N It is not possible to add department code as a parameter, but if you need all work groups for your department(s), instead you can use this option as all work groups have department codes as their prefix.

Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes
List of Work Group List of all workgroup titles including their system numeric code
List of Work Group Manager Roles List of everyone who has any level of approval access (eg manager, leave approver) by work group
Workgroup and Manager by appointment Returns individual’s work group data, including the work group manager and some of their appointment details.


Summary description

Allows you to view the details held in the Academic Title UDF for all applicable records in your department or division, depending on your access.

Includes a column for ‘Grade’; users are reminded that any personal data must be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and associated legislation. For further information, please see the University Policy on Data Protection.

Why run this report?

To check that data recorded is correct.

When should you run this report?

As and when required.

Hints & tips

Incorrect or missing data: Where any details are found to be incorrect/missing refer to the Set up and Manage Academic Titles Scenario Factsheet for guidance on updating the records.

Summary description

This group of six reports let you analyse the distribution of Reward and Recognition Scheme nominations and awards in your department/division by grade/staff group and sex. Report descriptions are provided below.

The data is sourced from the following two UDFs in PeopleXD: Appt: R&R Recognition Scheme and Appt: R&R Awards for Excellence. Accurate and complete data entry is crucial as per the guidance. Incomplete entries will result in missing data (even if the individual has received payment). Refer to 'Hints and Tips' for further clarification of the data.

The report can be exported into Excel for further analysis.

Why run these reports?

To verify the nomination data input and to analyse the distribution of the nominations and awards in your department or division by grade/staff group and sex.

Note: If using this report for displaying an overview of the award data on your staff noticeboard (as policy requires), ensure that the numbers are sufficiently high to prevent individual identification.

When should you run these reports?

As required, but specifically following each annual Reward and Recognition Scheme exercise, once all the data for your department/division has been entered into PeopleXD. Any specific deadlines will be communicated each year via the HR Systems Bulletin.

Hints & tips

  • Cohort: the data is based on individuals on eligible grades with six months service at the end of the assessment period. Awards for Excellence - Nomination and Award Details and Recognition Scheme - Nomination and Award Details reports include details of eligible appointments held within the assessment period which have a nomination recorded, but will exclude any ineligible appointments even if the ineligible appointment has a nomination recorded. Percentage figures quoted in reports Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Grade and SexAwards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex, Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex and Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex will be based on the total number of eligible appointments in post at the assessment period end date.
  • Length of service: The service length calculation used to determine whether an individual is eligible is based on whether they had six months or more of eligible service at the assessment period end date. As the report calculates the service retrospectively (rather than at run date), breaks in service during the assessment period might occasionally not factor into the calculation.
  • Total appointments: Reports Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex, Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex, Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex and Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex (summary data) contain figures for “total appointments”. These figures represent the total number of appointments in that category (ie appointments held by individuals of that legal sex/grade/staff group) at the assessment period end date to enable the calculations of percentage nominations and awards.
  • Total nominations: Reports Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex, Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex, Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex and Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex (summary data) contain figures for “total nominations”. These figures represent the number of appointments against which there is at least one nomination, by category (ie the number of nominated appointments per sex/grade/staff group). This may result in a discrepancy between the number of rows in the “details” report compared with the "total nominations" figure in the "summary" report (ie where there have been multiple nominations against the same appointment). Additionally, if there are no eligible appointments at the assessment period end date which match the category for a nominated appointment, the “total nominations” column will have a value, but the “total appointments” column won't. Consequently, the percentage columns will not be calculated.
  • Percent awards granted: These figures are based on the total number of eligible appointments in the department/division, not on the number of nominations. If all nominations are granted, the figures in the “percent (nominations)” and “percent (awards granted)” columns will be the same.
  • Percent successful appeals: Reports Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex and Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex include data to show the percentage of appeals that were successful. These figures are based on the total number of eligible appointments in the department/division at the assessment period end date, not on the number of appeals submitted. If all appeals are successful, the figures in the “percent (appeals submitted)” and “percent (successful appeals)” columns will be the same.
  • Staff Group definitions:
    • Support staff: staff on grades 1-5 and apprentice grades
    • Academic-related: staff on grades 6-10, and grades E64, E65, E66, and E71
    • Other: grades E90, B90, D90, K90, M90 (staff on these grades, many of whom were transferred in under TUPE, may or may not be eligible for an award, depending on their contractual terms and conditions)

Available filters

NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.

Filter Mandatory? Notes 
Assessment Period Start Y

Data returned is based on where the Date of Nomination falls within the assessment period start and end dates.

To return data based on the year in which the payment was made (see Payment year parameter), select “Payment Year” in the parameter.

Assessment Period End Y

Enter the the assessment period end date (this will vary based on local arrangements)

Allow at least 12 months between the assessment period start and end dates. If not adhered to, 12 months will be automatically applied prior to the Assessment Period End date.

Scheme Year (Awards for Excellence reports only)  Y

Enter the year in which the scheme was launched. (This should match Date From in the UDF)

2015 onwards only.

Payment year (Recognition Scheme reports only) Conditional

If you select “Payment Year” in the “Return nominations based on” parameter then select the year in which the payment was made (this should match the Date From entered on the UDF).


If “Assessment Period” is selected in the “Return nominations based on” parameter this field can be left blank

Department code(s) N

If you have access to more than one department and you wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code. Multiple values can be selected. 

Department description  As above, select the department name, if required. 
Personnel Number  Enter specific personnel number or leave blank to return all records.
Include recurrent excellence increments (Awards for Excellence reports only)  Defaults to include recurrent excellence increments but these can be excluded by changing the parameter to “No”. 
Include non-recurrent excellence increments (Awards for Excellence reports only)  Y Defaults to include non-recurrent excellence increments but these can be excluded by changing the parameter to “No”. 
Include individual awards (Recognition Scheme reports only)  Y Defaults to include individual awards but these can be excluded by changing the parameter to “No”. 
Include team awards (Recognition Scheme reports only)  Y Defaults to include team awards but these can be excluded by changing the parameter to “No”. 

Details of paginated reports in this folder

Report Notes
Awards for Excellence - Nomination and Award Details Includes all records that have data within the Appt: R&R Awards for Excellence screen, which meet the eligibility criteria (see note on “cohort” above). Includes staff who were nominated (including self-nominated) for an award but were not successful, as well as those who received an award. Will include or exclude recurrent and non-recurrent awards based on the parameters selected. Includes staff who have since left the department (for which the leaving date will be present in the “End Date” column and the leaving code and destination included where these were completed in PeopleXD).   
Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex  Shows the number of eligible appointments in the department(s) selected, and the number and percentage of those that were nominated for and granted an award.  Will include or exclude recurrent and non-recurrent awards based on the parameters selected. Also includes data on the number and percentage of appeals and the number and percentage that were successful. All data is split by grade and sex, but also includes total appointments and total nominations for each department and a total for all records returned. 
Awards for Excellence - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex  Shows the number of eligible appointments in the department(s) selected, and the number and percentage of these that were nominated for and granted an award. (see “hints and tips” above for definition of “Staff Group"). Will include or exclude recurrent and non-recurrent awards based on the parameters selected. Also includes data on the number and percentage of appeals and the number and percentage that were successful. All data is split by staff group and sex, but also includes total appointments and total nominations for each department and a total for all records returned. 
Recognition Scheme - Nomination and Award Details  Includes all records that have data within the Appt: R&R Recognition Scheme screen, which meet the eligibility criteria (see note on “cohort” above). Includes staff who were nominated (including self-nominated) for an award but were not successful, as well as those who received an award.  Will include or exclude individual and team awards based on the parameters selected. Includes staff who have since left the department (for which the leaving date will be present in the “End Date” column and the leaving code and destination included where these were completed in PeopleXD).   
Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Grade and Sex  Shows the number of eligible appointments in the department(s) selected, and the number and percentage of those that were nominated for and granted an award.  Will include or exclude individual and team awards based on the parameters selected. All data is split by grade and sex, but also includes total appointments and total nominations for each department and a total for all records returned. 
Recognition Scheme - Nominations and Awards by Staff Group and Sex  Shows the number of eligible appointments in the department(s) selected, and the number and percentage of these that were nominated for and granted an award. (See “hints and tips” above for definition of “Staff Group”). Will include or exclude individual and team awards based on the parameters selected. All data is split by staff group and sex, but also includes total appointments and total nominations for each department and a total for all records returned. 


Summary description

This report allows you to view all outside appointments details entered in a UDF for academic and related staff. The report can be run by academic year.

Why run this report?

To monitor outside appointments for an individual, to ensure compliance with policy:

When should you run this report?

Every six months or at least annually.

Hints & tips

  • Results: Data must have been entered into the Outside Appointments UDF in order for someone to be returned in this report
  • Incorrect or missing data: Where details are missing or incorrect please refer to Add and manage UDFs how-to guide for guidance on entering and updating the details.

Available filters

Filter Mandatory?  Notes 
NB Remember to untick ‘<All [filter label]>’ selection when narrowing down the options within a filter – see the HR Reporting How-to Guide.
Academic Year   N Select the relevant year, eg ‘2019/20’
Department(s)   N If you have access to more than one department and wish to report on only one of those departments, select the relevant department code, otherwise leave blank to include all departments. 
Division(s)   N If you have access to more than one division and wish to report on only one of those divisions, select the relevant division code, otherwise leave blank to include all departments. 
Outside appointment type   N If you wish to view a specific outside appointment type, select it here. Otherwise leave blank to return all applicable records.
Employee number   N Enter specific employee number or leave blank to view 'all' records. 


Summary description

These reports validate and use person and appointment data and use colour highlighting and guidance messages to flag anomalous data that requires updating in PeopleXD. 

They return errors for data required for submission to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Appointments checked:

  • Employee appointments (excluding casual teaching, casual workers and non-employees)
  • Appointments active in the reporting year, ie 1 August - 31 July

Why run this report?

  • To ensure that departmental data required for internal and external reporting (eg for HESA, Medical Schools Council, Athena SWAN) are complete, accurate and valid.
  • To ensure that departmental data complies with the GDPR and related UK data protection legislation and the HR Data Quality Policy

When should you run this report?

This report should be run on a monthly basis to ensure timely identification and correction of errors.

Hints and tips

  • Please note incorrect staff classifications (category and sub-category) lead to incorrectly flagged errors. For example, if an appointment is incorrectly classified as academic, the report will expect related academic data, flagging it as missing. To resolve this, review and correct staff classification, using the Staff Classification Guide, then re-run the report to ensure only relevant errors are flagged.
  • For guidance on correcting data errors, refer to the Clearing Data Quality Errors webpage.
  • Please email any queries related to this report to

Details of reports in this folder

Report Notes
 Data validation

One row listing all errors is returned per appointment.

Red cells in the ‘DATA QUALITY STATUS’ column indicate that the appointment has errors in the data; green cells indicate that the appointment data are correct.

Data items checked:

  • Staff classifications: Category and Sub-Category
  • Staff classifications related to some job titles
  • Employee Status
  • Target End Dates
  • Job text / Job title (missing data)
  • Previous HEI Employment
  • Immediately Previous Employment
  • NHS Contract Details UDF
  • Clinical Specialties UDF
  • Right to Work UDF 
Qualifications & subjects

Returns 'Highest Qualification Held' and 'Academic Discipline taught and/or researched'.

These data items are collected for new starter via HR Self-Service (Onboarding).


Summary description

These reports validate person and appointment data for casual appointments, including items like staff classification, working hours and working pattern, target end date, job text/title and right to work.

The report includes checks on appointments with the Appointment Status of ‘Appointed’, ‘Commenced’ and ‘Ended’.

Appointments checked

  • Casual teacher, examiner or workers, ie PeopleXD posts: CASTCH, CASEXM or CASUAL, and Employee Sub Status: Atypical
  • Appointments active in the academic year, ie 1 August - 31 July

Why run this report?

  • To check that your data entry is correct 
  • To ensure that data for casual staff are complete, accurate and valid for your department(s)
  • To ensure that data submitted to external organisations (such as HESA) and data used for internal management information are accurate
  • To comply with the GDPR and related UK data protection legislation and the HR Data Quality Policy.

When should you run this report?

Run regularly, ideally every month and ensure that all errors are cleared from this report. 

Hints and tips

Details of tabs

Tab Notes
 Data validation

One row listing all errors is returned per appointment.

Red cells in the ‘DATA QUALITY STATUS’ column indicate that the appointment has errors in the data; green cells indicate that the appointment data are correct.

Data items checked:

  • Staff classifications: Category and Sub Category
  • Staff classifications related to type of casual appointment, ie Posts: CASTCH or CASUAL
  • Length of appointment: will flag ‘CASTCH’ appointments active for >12 months and ‘CASUAL' appointments active for >12 weeks
  • Employee Status
  • FTE Hours
  • Hours
  • Target End Dates (missing or date has passed)
  • Job text / job title (missing data)
  • Right to Work UDF
Qualifications & subjects

Returns 'Highest Qualification Held' and 'Academic Discipline taught and/or researched'.

These data items are collected for new starter via HR Self-Service (Onboarding).