Create a new casual appointment

2. Create a new casual appointment

Warning: Rehires

Do not process a person as a University leaver and a rehire within the same payroll pay period. This affects RTI submissions to HMRC. Exception: rehires with a start date of the new appointment within the continuous service rules. Read also: Understanding payroll cycles/periods guide.


Note: this guidance is intended for casual staff only, for variable hours employees please follow relevant appointing guidance

1.a Do you have access to the person's record in PeopleXD?

  1. If you have access to this person in PeopleXD already, follow: Appointing existing staff.

To check if you have access: i. Go to: Employee Dashboard > People Management

ii. Click VIEW next to Employees in Command Centre

iii. Search for individual by name.

  1. If you're unsure or don't have access to their PeopleXD record or you know they are new/a rehire (but did not apply for the post online), proceed to 'Perform Duplicate Employee Check' (see step below).

1.b Perform duplicate employee check

For direct appointments, casual staff and others who did not apply via online Recruitment:

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Command Centre

  1. Click NEW STARTER to load a list of posts.
  2. Search for 'bucket' post name: CASUAL ,CASTCH (casual teachers), CASEXM (casual examiners) or CASAMB (casual student ambassadors). Where multiple posts exist select the post with the status ‘Auto Commenced’, not ‘Auto Commenced (approved)’.
  3. Click to highlight the correct post > click NEXT.
  4. Search by first name, surname or NI number (if available). Repeat the search using different criteria to ensure no existing record exists. For full assurance, also check the CV for previous University employment.
  5. Existing record found?
    1. No > Follow CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE steps.
    2. Yes > Review the Action column and follow guidance below:

Warning: Department listed as Pensioners Payroll, Linacre College, Green Templeton College, St Hugh's College, Student Union, or a Subsidiary (check the University Org Chart, if unsure)?

If yes, create a new duplicate record > follow the CREATE NEW EMPLOYEE steps.


ii.a Action column Transfer >

  • Where appointing any bucket post (eg CASUAL, CASAMB, CASTCH, CASEXM, AGENCY, NONEMP) for a current staff member you cannot access, in all cases you need to appoint as an additional appointment. Follow: New appointment for existing staff 
  • Once appointed please notify the previous department to end their appointment.


ii.b Action column = New contract > Follow: New appointment for existing staff OR

ii.c Action column Rehire > Follow: Rehire ex-staff member

NB Some fields may be pre-populated, either from the application form or a previous record, where this exists.

Complete the person details, paying attention to:

Field Name (*mandatory)


Known As * 

Enter first name only. This will be used to generate the work email address. 


Overwrite the automatically populated first and last initials, with the initials for first and middle names only. Do not enter any spaces, hyphens, or full stops in this field. 

Date of Birth * 

Complete using the format DD-MMM-YYYY.  

NB This is essential for Payroll and Pension processes.  

Gender *  

This is the legal sex and is required for Pension and Payroll processes. Select as appropriate. 

Country * 

Select from the drop-down list in all cases, including UK.  

NB This field must be updated for HMRC RTI purposes. 

Address Line 1 -2 * 

Address Lines 3 - 5 

Enter/check full address details. Line 1 and 2 are mandatory. 


NB The address must be completed in full and is essential for Payroll and Pension processes.  

Enter the country in the last line for any non-UK addresses. 

Postcode Prefix and Postcode Suffix 

Enter/check that the post code has been entered across both fields in alpha numeric format, eg AA1 1AA. 


Complete the organisational structure details, paying attention to:

Field Name (*mandatory)


Cost Centre

Check and update as necessary. This should be the departmental default with the format AA00000000000 with the first two letters as the department code.


This should be the normal work location for the individual. Type in the two-digit department code to find your location.

Work Group

Select the relevant work group from the list.


Click NEXT after completing this section to move on to the next one.

Contract Information

Field Name (* mandatory)



Date *

Enter the start date (appointment start date must be no later than the earliest date of any casual work completed)

Target End Date*

Enter planned end date. (Max 12 weeks for casual workers, 11 months for casual student ambassadors and casual teachers and 4 years for casual examiners). These fields must match. Date format DD-MM-YYYY

Planned End Date *

Job Title *

Leave as Casual Worker, Casual Teaching, Casual Examiner or Casual Student Ambassador. 

Job Category

Not used.

NB If this filed contains TUPE or HHYBRID do not proceed, contact HR Systems Support for guidance.

Post Type*

Defaults to WORKER. Do not amend.


Enter further comments, as required, but do not overwrite the default if it pre-populates.

Job Description

Enter the actual job title (case sensitive). Do not include any individuals' names here.

NB The actual job title will appear in documents produced from the system, and in HR Self-Service.

Employee Status *

Select Worker (code 4).

Sub Status *

Select Atypical (code 5).

Category *




CASUAL appointments: see the HR Analytics team’s Staff Classification Guide.

CASTCH appointments: 1- ‘TEACHING ONLY’ if the Sub Category is ‘AT’ or 3 – ‘TEACHING AND RESEARCH’ if the Sub Category is ‘AC’

CASEXM appointments: 1- ‘TEACHING ONLY’

CASAMB appointments:  X – ‘Not applicable / not required’

NB This field is used for statutory reporting, including HESA.

Sub Category *

Select the relevant and correct staff classification.

CASUAL appointments: see the HR Analytics team’s Staff Classification Guide.


CASEXM appointments: select AT – ‘TEACHING SUPPORT’.

CASAMB appointments:  SO – ‘Other Support Staff’

Contracted Hours *

Enter hours as 0 

Standard Hours *

CASUAL/CASAMB appointments = 36.5

CASTCH/CASEXM appointments = 37.5

NB If casual workers are being paid at the upper end of the scale there will be a mismatch between the annualised salary displayed in ESS and the figure on the spine point PDF.  


Should be 0 


Select relevant action, most likely New Appointment.


For all new roles appointed directly or through online Recruitment type ‘new’ and select the appropriate reason code eg:

  • New Starter – new to the University
  • New Starter (ex-employee) - used for rehires (applies to all staff including former casuals and employees) 
  • New Starter (transfer) - when moving from one job to another (in same or different dept.)
  • New Additional Appointment – usually most relevant for Casual appointments. 


Do not use


Click NEXT after completing this section to move on to the next one.

Complete the salary details, paying attention to:

Field Name (*mandatory) Instructions
Pay Group*

Select 20 – University Monthly

NB If rehire, or existing member of staff, pay group populates with the current pay group and cannot be amended. Please contact HR Systems support if this needs to be amended.

Employee to be paid… This field pre-populates to Scale-Point. Do not amend. 
Scale * Defaults to Casuals (code X99). Do not amend.
Point on Scale *

Select Pay point 1 or leave as 1 if defaulted to. 

NB In the drop-down several new casual pay points will be displayed. These are for the Time Management users only, eg CasSP9 G2.5.

Multiplier * Defaults to 1. Do not amend. 
This is to be paid *  Set to Hourly. Do not amend. 
Amount to be paid Leave as calculated. Do not amend. 
Apply next increment on  Leave blank.


Once all the relevant information has been inputted, click SAVE.

NB Once appointed, the current salary will display incorrectly, and as being paid monthly. Ignore this; these will not be pulled through to generated contracts or letters. 

The following only applies to those issued a casual letter of engagement/ casual teaching contract for services from 1 June 2024:

You must add an allowance to all casual teacher and student ambassador records to indicate that Payroll should apply 12.07% rolled up holiday pay to the payments made against these appointments in the same payroll period as their pay. This will display as a seperate payment line on the payslip.

Follow the steps in the add and manage allowances guide, paying attention to:

Field Description
Start date Use the same start date as the appointment start date
End date Leave blank
Cost centre/Project If the allowance is costed in the same way as the salary as recorded in the casual payroll submission, this field can be left blank.
Reason Allowance awarded


Do not add the allowance for:

  • Casual examiners as there payments are handled automatically through the EAP system

  • Casual workers as they are not entitled to rolled-up holiday pay


Record Casual Examiners' personal email, which is used to check against their information in the Examiner Appointments and Payments portal.

After completing the appointing wizard:

  1. Check that you are on the correct appointment.
  2. Scroll down to the Contact Information tab.
  3. Under the Contact Details section, locate the Email – Home row.
  4. Click on the ellipsis at the end of the row, and select Edit.
  5. Add the email into the pop-up and click OK.

Casual staff should access their payslips online, via HR Self-Service. However, where exceptions apply, please complete an online payslip exception UDF in PeopleXD. This ensures we meet our legal duty to provide a payslip. Review the guidance below to determine whether to request paper payslips for your casual worker.

  • Ideally, where casual staff are engaged for 12 weeks or longer, you should apply for a University card, which triggers the creation of an SSO and University email address, and in turn the setup of their HR Self-Service account. For staff engaged for a shorter period, local discretion applies to determine whether to follow this process or to request paper payslips via the relevant UDF in PeopleXD.
  • Where it is either not appropriate to apply for a University card or other exceptions apply (eg a disability preventing access to HR Self-Service), record an online payslip exception UDF in PeopleXD.
  • You do not need to record an online payslip exception for staff with one payment only, as long as they have are processed as a leaver in the month in which they are paid. Payroll will identify that this is their one and only payment and therefore issue a paper payslip, as is the standard practice for final payslips for all leavers.

Navigation path: Employee Dashboard > People Management > Command Centre

1. Click VIEW next to 'Employees' to load Employee details.
3. Search for staff record by name or personnel no, or add a filter.

Note: If you can't find the person, change the search option from Active to Dormant and Active, and search again.

4. Click VIEW at the end of the individual’s row to open Employee Record.
5. Click on Contracts from the staff record menu.
6. Click the drop-down next to their job title to view their contracts. They may have multiple active appointments in your department(s).
8. Click to select the appointment you wish to commence.
9. Click COMMENCE in the bottom right.
10. Enter the commencement date using the calendar icon; either select or type the date.

Note: If the actual start date is later than the ‘appointed’ date, update it, and the effective date will update automatically. If the actual start date is earlier than the ‘appointed’ date, contact HR Systems Support to amend the date before proceeding.

11. Click OK.

Return to Appointments guidance and update staff record accordingly.