Recording appointment end dates


2. End dates

Leavers must be processed in the payroll month of their last payment.

It is essential that the correct appointment end date is recorded to ensure the individual's salary and service dates are correct. 

Please follow guidance in the relevant section(s) below accordingly.

For any individuals working on an externally funded fixed-term contract, departments must record the leaving date stated in the contract, as dictated by the grantor.

Note * If the recorded end date of a fixed term contract exceeds the funding expiry date, your department may be charged.



Where someone has retired, you must enter the individual's actual last day of employment (eg the last day they worked or took annual leave). 

Where a full-time individual has worked (or taken annual leave during) their full working week, e.g. Monday - Friday, their leaving date for pay purposes should be recorded as the Sunday at the end of that week.

If they leave partway through the week, their leaving date should be their actual last day of work (or last day of annual leave if they are taking any at the end of their employment).

Where a part-time individual has worked (or taken annual leave during) their full working week, e.g. Wednesday - Friday, their leaving date for pay purposes should be recorded as the Sunday at the end of that week.

If they leave partway through the week (e.g. the Thursday), their leaving date should be their actual last day of work (or last day of annual leave if they are taking any at the end of their employment).


Full guidance for ending recent and retrospective casuals can be found on the Ending a casual appointment guide. 

Variable hours staff should be ended after the last payment claim has been submitted to the central payroll team, this may mean logging into the system in the next payroll month (depending on when they last worked and when you sent the form).

The end date recorded should reflect their contract and therefore will be after or equal to their last date worked.