Save the new letterhead to the CoreApps folder on your C drive and name it letter_head. Where this doesn’t exist, simply create a new folder in you C drive called CoreApps.
It is essential the CoreApps folder is located on your C drive.
If you cannot see the C drive, please check the FAQs and further help page for instructions
Generate a document from the system to check that it works and that everything is displaying correctly. Some display issues related to formatting/placement of images may be corrected by adding your header text/images into a table within the header and, if applicable, the footer.
The example below shows how to add a table to fix display issues:
- Go to Insert > Table. Select the number of rows/columns needed.
- Copy and paste the relevant contents into the cells rows/columns accordingly:

- Adjust the width of the columns to fit the contents and remove the line borders.

- The Letterhead should now display as below: