Departments have made remarkable progress in resolving data quality issues across most of the University since last month. Thank you everyone for your hard work!
The deadline to correct remaining issues, mainly from the July payroll, is Friday 9 August. If you are still addressing historical errors (excluding those from the July payroll), please resolve these by Tuesday 23 July (the Supplementary Payroll deadline) to minimise the risk of manual data reworking of the initial HESA dataset.
Following the July payroll deadline, our team began compiling the HESA staff return using PeopleXD data, focusing on extraction and data derivations for the final submission preparation. Our team is now meticulously working through hundreds of thousands of data items in the HESA module. Accurate and complete data is crucial, as errors can impact our submission and compliance with statutory deadlines.
Our next 'check-in' with nominated HESA contacts will be next week, including sharing the latest data quality statistics.