Requesting enhancements or changes

We value your suggestions on improving our systems and processes, and as such welcome your requests for updates or new items within PeopleXD or associated reports and processes. This may include requests for new User Defined Fields (UDFs), renaming of field labels, requests for amendments or new reports, or other suggestions. To raise a request, follow the steps below.

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Category Request type What to include
System modification Change to an existing or request for new field/screen/feature
(Includes User Defined Fields (UDFs). 

Please complete the UDF template where appropriate.


Reporting Amend an existing report or request a new report
(Includes reports offered across all reporting tools, eg Tableau, HR Reporting etc)

Please complete the Report Specification Template.

User support Request new or update existing guidance/training materials
(Includes all HR Systems guidance and training materials)
Links and/or screenshots to webpages or guidance you would like updated


  1. Check the POGs Portfolio and other BAU projects page for similar requests, to avoid duplication. If none found, proceed with the request.
  2. Where applicable, complete the relevant template:
    1. For reports, use the Reporting specification template
    2. For UDFs, use the UDF template.
  3. Submit a Service Request, and attached the relevant template, where applicable.
  1. The HR Systems team will review existing and past requests to avoid duplication. If a similar request is found, it will be rejected with details provided.
  2. Otherwise, the request will be added to our works log, the POGs Portfolio. 
  3. We will assess the request to gauge whether this can be delivered either now or in the future. After this the request will be marked as completed and you will be notified accordingly:
    1. If feasible, it will be reviewed at the next quarterly POG meeting for priority scoring. This will instruct us of the importance and urgency of the request.
    2. If not feasible, the requestor will be updated on the details.
  4. Look out for progress updates on our POGs Portfolio and other BAU projects webpage.