April 2024 bulletin
News and updates
Overview of data quality, by division
As of 16 April, data quality trends across the University’s divisions remain largely unchanged. You might notice higher error percentages, which is mainly due to updated reports now providing more comprehensive data. These figures are based on the number of appointments containing errors. We’re also working on producing divisional error rates based on total data errors, which we aim to share next month.
As previously communicated, this week, we're contacting our data quality key contacts to check on progress with data quality monitoring and assess any need for support from our team.
We would like to congratulate HR teams and individuals responsible for data quality in the following departments and sub-units (based on ‘Pay Admin By’ codes), where data quality is currently at 100%! Thank you for your diligent efforts – this hasn’t gone unnoticed!
- HIDEP - Cancer Epidemiology Unit
- CSDEP - Big Data Institute
- Oncology:
- BBDEP - Cancer Institute
- H3DEP - CRUK/MRC Ox Inst Radiation Oncology
- RDM:
- CCDEP - Radcliffe Department of Medicine - RDM
- BSDEP - Doctoral Training Centre – MSD
- CZDEP - Oxford Internet Institute
- MBDEP - Russian & East European Stud
- MJDEP - Japanese Studies
- Chemistry:
- DNDEP - Physical & Theoretical Chem
- DQDEP - Chemical Biology
- D4DEP - MPLS Divisional Office
- Medieval & Modern Languages:
- YLDEP - Spanish
- FVDEP - Law Library
- F7DEP - Radcliffe Science Library
- F9DEP - Education Library
- FUDEP - Sainsbury Library
- G4DEP - Bodleian – KB Chen China Centre Library
- QKDEP - Bodleian Estates Office
- QODEP - Document Delivery Services
- Q8DEP - Anthropology Tylor Library
- QEDEP - Bodleian Libraries Public Engagement
- FGDEP - Music Faculty Library
- GJDEP - Latin American Centre Library
- ETDIV - History of Science Museum
- GCDIV - Botanic Garden
- K1DEP - Purchasing
- KRDIV - Development Office
- SZDIV - Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach
- GUDEP - Clubs Committee
- KYDIV - People and Organisational Development
- MLDEP - Academic Resources & Information System
The 2024 Awards for Excellence should be carried out across departments and faculties during Trinity term, with recipients receiving their awards in the August payroll.
The Awards for Excellence Scheme rewards employees who excel in every key job area and consistently showcase outstanding performance, surpassing what is typically expected for their level. Departments should actively promote and manage the scheme locally to all eligible staff. For full details, including eligibility criteria and the application process, please visit the HR Support website.
All nominations must be recorded in PeopleXD to enable accurate reporting.
We're pleased to announce there's now a dedicated field for capturing PeopleXD personnel numbers within the new online University Card form. Please provide this information when submitting new card requests. This update will help with the linking of the Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials to PeopleXD records, ensuring a more efficient process for setting up HR Self-Service accounts.
P60s for the tax year 2023-2024 are now available for staff to view in HR Self-Service. A temporary message to notify staff of this has been placed on the HR Self-Service landing page. Please help to make staff aware by sharing this message as widely as possible.
Updated Athena Swan staff data dashboards now include:
- Maternity leave return rates and longevity calculations at 6, 12 and 18 months after return, spanning academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22. This differs from the other data provided because of the potential duration of maternity leave (52 weeks).
- Ordinary paternity leave uptake, for years 2018/19 to 2022/23.
- Shared parental leave uptake, for academic years 2018/19 to 2022/23.
For more details, visit the Athena Swan data provision webpage.
Thank you to those of you who joined us for our briefing session last week. For those who were unable to join us, a recording of the session is available to watch here: HR Systems briefing - April
To request to be added to any of the regular HR communications shared by central teams, please follow the instructions outlined on the HR communications webpage.
If you have received a request to update staff or their next of kin contact details, kindly remind all staff, including casual workers, to use HR Self-Service. Full guidance for staff, including which details they can update themselves, is in the How-to guide: Employee Self-Service. Note: Existing staff cannot update their name or existing bank details!
For upcoming leavers: Encourage your upcoming leavers to verify their home address in HR Self-Service before they leave. This ensures accurate issuance of P45s and final payslips. Note: P45s are not available in HR Self-Service.
When recording job titles in the Job Description field in PeopleXD, enter only the actual job title, and as advertised, if applicable. Do not enter individuals' names or any other information, such as FTE. Avoid acronyms, unless this is absolutely necessary and was included in the advertisement.
This field is used in external surveys; our team spends extra time removing such additional information to ensure individuals cannot be identified.
Project updates
The Workforce Management Project is assessing requirements and planning the rollout of the Leave and Absence, Timesheets (Casual Payroll processing), and Rostering functionality in PeopleXD.
We're completing initial meetings with departments to understand their needs and readiness before moving into the 'delivery' phase. We'll follow up with departments to verify our proposed rollout timelines and inform teams of any preparations for the rollout.